Monday, July 26, 2004

The past weekend Gary started working on the sidings of the house (something which is best done while it is still summer - warm and dry outside). For a starter, he had to establish lines as guide to make sure that the bottom-most sidings are placed at the same level. He used an optical level to mark the points with my aid (I marked them down with a pencil, then he drove a nail on those points).

While I squat here waiting for his cue, I took a shot of him peeking through the optical level

This is the optical first I thought it was a videocam of some sort! Haha!...ignorant me...

It had some calibrations like in a microscope, with a tiny bubble that had to be centered to determine the level. When one takes a peek, there are crossed hairlines that point at that spot where I would make the mark. We made several marks on corners of the house, at least two points at each surface to make a line. What a wonderful gadget!

After all the preparations of marking, as well as putting the trims around the garage doors and the corner molding (all plastic molding came with the sidings - totalled $5000 when Gary purchased them last year), here now is Gary's first siding in place. Tadah!!!

By the end of the day, this is what Gary had finished putting up. Beautiful!...<br><br>(Gary wanted that vinyl siding, as well as tin roof and our windows and doors, for a maintenance-free house!)

Posted by Hello

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